
Showing posts from October, 2022

What am I doing here?

I have just seen fire rain down from heaven and scorched everything I laid on those 12 stones! I saw as the whole crowd fell to the ground and worshipped the Almighty God! I have just slain four hundred prophets of Baal by the riverside! I prayed for rain seven times and watched as that cloud, the size of my fist, brewed up into a storm!  All my life, I have read the stories of how God has wrought His mighty works in the sight of my forefathers who journeyed forty years through the wilderness. Seas parted, water spewed out of bare rocks, manna rained every morning, a pillar of cloud to shade the day, and one of fire to warm the night. Our literature is basically about the mighty God we serve. But... Why am I running? Why am I afraid of the threat of a mere Sidonian woman?! What is wrong with me?! Why am I at the foot of this mountain, where once walked Moses? Well, one thing is clear, Jezebel seeks blood for blood because I killed her prophets, and now the news comes that she has g...

Trying to fill the void of the Heart

"Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw.", said the Samaritan woman to Jesus. Jesus made the woman realize she was missing something, that there was a void to be filled. Blaise Pascal said, "There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of each man which cannot be satisfied by any created thing but only by God the Creator, made known through Jesus Christ." In the pursuit of happiness, peace, and success, human beings try to fill this vacuum. What is it that you turn to for happiness, peace, and love? Is it your friend, husband, wife, alcohol, entertainment, pleasure, after pleasure, that makes you go around in a vicious cycle of dissatisfaction?  Depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, sorrow, and despair are different faces of the same thing - a thirst for the water of life flowing from Jesus Christ. Peer pressure, the need for validation and affection, and the need to be admired and famous, these are all signs of the unfilled void in the...