Trying to fill the void of the Heart

"Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw.", said the Samaritan woman to Jesus. Jesus made the woman realize she was missing something, that there was a void to be filled. Blaise Pascal said, "There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of each man which cannot be satisfied by any created thing but only by God the Creator, made known through Jesus Christ."
In the pursuit of happiness, peace, and success, human beings try to fill this vacuum. What is it that you turn to for happiness, peace, and love? Is it your friend, husband, wife, alcohol, entertainment, pleasure, after pleasure, that makes you go around in a vicious cycle of dissatisfaction?
Depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, sorrow, and despair are different faces of the same thing - a thirst for the water of life flowing from Jesus Christ. Peer pressure, the need for validation and affection, and the need to be admired and famous, these are all signs of the unfilled void in the heart of every man crying to be filled.
Mankind today has come up with tools like social media platforms to connect people. MySpace, Bebo, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat, seem to work. Decades pass by, and the developers of these products are ever searching, ever innovating on ways to satisfy the human hunger for relationships and love, but they can never fill the void that was meant for God only.
The entertainment industry has to come up with new ways to dazzle the senses and drown the sorrows of a world dying for love. Song after song is released, movie after movie is produced, and tournament after tournament, trend after trend, and mankind has not been able to devise a way to end the vicious cycle of human dissatisfaction that comes from the desire for love.
The prison for addiction is worse than any correction center. Men and women bound by lust for pleasure turn to alcohol, drugs, and fornication to satisfy themselves. These so-called springs of water take more than they give from those who come to them. We come back thirstier than when we went in.
Young men and women today rush into marriage and look for partners to satisfy their hunger only to come back home disappointed and depressed even more. The world has painted a false notion of relationships that captivates and holds captive many young men and women.
The rise of uncontrolled subjective reasoning in the western world has turned a lot of men and women to follow their own feelings and desires to be whoever they want, to identify themselves with any gender they see fit. What are they seeking? They are searching for something that would give them happiness, peace, and love.
When people get stuck in the world, they turn to spiritual paths other than Jesus Christ to find peace and spirituality. People flood into false religions that worship false Gods, and others rush into false Christian denominations which give them false hopes and security.
No matter where we run, we cannot escape the fact that God designed the human race to be His vessel. Do we have a choice in the matter? Absolutely! When we choose the God of life, we have life! When do not choose Him, what do we have then? Nothing! Only death!
Can you trust God? It is my prayer today that you will make the choice to trust Him to take control of every facet of your life.
Bye for now,
Taia Colai Tiniyara
Emeni brother, veibolei dina..