The Next World Order | Chapter 01: A United Planet?

Order: a small five-letter word; a golden sceptre in the right hands, but a tyrannical whip in the wrong ones.
Human history has proven that two is always better than one. The crux of earthly progress depends upon the degree to which human beings agree upon certain ideologies, plans, and strategies; and then execute them, facing the results together.
Human history has also taught us one thing: united we stand, divided we fall. It's no surprise that the United Nations is probably one of the most powerful bodies in the world today. We have learned that efficient management of things cannot be done through disunity.
And so, we turn to nature, by studying various sciences, we conclude that the natural order of things runs through processes within systems. The human body is a prime example of this: every component within different systems runs according to design and planning. Their united efforts keep us alive.
How does humanity achieve unity? By building organized systems and processes. Every organization that exists in the world today knows this for a fact.
One of the earliest recorded histories of human civilisation is over 6000 years ago in the region of Sumer, Mesopotamia. Even in these early records, we see evidence that resources cannot be managed without organized systems and processes. Political hierarchies, tax, trading, and defence systems existed in the early Mesopotamian empires. There is nothing new under the sun.
Human progress sails away from Chaos, the antithesis of Order, building systems that regulate the disposition and methodize the arrangement of things. Chaos leads to disaster, decay, and death. It is the mission of the human race to fight against it.
Over time, we hope to be better at this battle. Over time, we hope to achieve perfect order that achieves absolute peace worldwide. Over time, the way will be revealed. But in the meantime, all we can do is learn lessons from our daily experience and the past records of our actions, analyse and find better ways of dealing with things.
There is also another lesson we can learn from 6000 years of human history, no matter how hard human beings try, they are not able to perpetuate established empires. Some may last for about a thousand years, but still, they are not eternal.
The question then arises in our hearts: what does it take to establish the everlasting form of order? What are we doing wrong? Where are the weak points in the system and how can we improve them? How do we manage more than seven billion people? What mechanisms do we use to move the vast global population? The answers to these questions are not so much found by anticipating the future but by contemplating the past.
The achievement of order lies in another five-letter word: unity. Lessons from human history have taught us that human choice is a fundamental principle of human life. There is only one way for human unity and that is, for every human being on the planet to exercise their choices towards a common uniting factor.
A leader can use the following methods or a combination of several of them to unite people:
- Persuasion: We have to persuade people to see that the way we provide is the right or better way of doing things. By presenting the benefits and downfalls of certain paths, people can analyze for themselves if a certain path will bring greater good or utter downfall.
- Force: If you have enough power and resources to pull off such a feat, you can force the whole world into submission to your will. Then you can establish order the way you see fit.
- Deception: If your wit and skill in slyness and subtlety are unrivalled, you can trick the whole world into believing they are free not knowing that they live in submission to you. If you do it right, you could succeed in making the globe achieve your ambitions.
Regardless of the method, the end goal is either order through unity or chaos through division. The destiny of the human race rests upon the principles through which a leader leads the planet, either to ruin or to prosperity.
Time and time again, men and women have risen to the occasion, promising people hope and progress. Empires rise and fall, political powers, dictators, alliances, and the like; none of them has achieved what every man, woman, and child on Earth dream about - global peace and order.
Through the lessons of the past, all can conclude that peace through global unity is the only way forward for humanity. How do we achieve this? The same way we have done it in the past: dream, plan, execute, analyze results, innovate.
This series of blogs, The Next World Order, is my personal research on strategies of the past to determine the best way to bring the world under one rule.
Until the next one, stay blessed!
We the Sons of Yehovah WILL bring order. We will unify nations and build processes that will make for efficiency and complete meetings of the needs of everyone, but it must be with people who are so sold out that they are manifesting the Glory of the Lord. Because his Glory is what will change the earth and bring us peace for 1,000 years. Man has had his days, 6,000 of them. This is the seventh day, and this is the day of Adonai, his Glory is now being revealed in the earth through the Spirit and Yahushua. As Adonai is at rest, we the Sons will clean the earth and bring a lasting peace for the remnant. In the next thousand years man will create without being tempted by sin. We will excel to massive heights in technology, healthcare. There is nothing that is impossible. Imagine being able to conceive of anything and building it for good and not for evil purposes. Not making weapons but enriching our lives.