GODLY HEALTH [ Step 01 : Understanding God's Design ] by Taia Colaitiniyara
What is health? According to Noah Webster's 1828 dictionary: Health is that state of an animal or living body, in which the parts are sound, well organized and disposed, and in which they all perform freely their natural functions. In this state the animal feels no pain. This word is applied also to plants. Sound state of the mind; natural vigour of faculties. Salvation or divine favour, or grace which cheers God's people. Psalms 43:5 Wish of health and happiness; used in drinking. Come, love and health to all; an elliptical phrase, for, I wish health to you. Notice what Mr Webster states: "... the parts are sound, well organized and disposed, and in which they all perform freely their natural functions." Good health, therefore, is when all the parts of the human being are working at optimal level. Life is void of unnecessary pain, suffering, and difficulties. In his third epistle to the church, John writes, "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest pros...