Biblical and Historical Origins of False Gods

After God flooded the earth during the time of Noah, his sons Japheth, Ham, and Shem started the human race anew. Below is their genealogy right down to the 12 sons of Jacob. All the names above gave birth to nations of the earth. According to the Bible and archeological findings by Ron Wyatt in 1987, the ark of Noah touched down on a mountain in the region of Ararat which is in modern-day Turkey. After the flood, the vegetation had to recover due to being submerged underwater for one hundred and fifty days. As the number of Noah's descendants grew, they looked for more fertile lands in which to establish themselves. The first human civilization after the flood began in the historical region of Mesopotamia which means: the land between rivers. The fertile region of Mesopotamia was also the birthplace of Paganism - the worship of false gods. We will now turn our attention to one of Noah's descendants, Nimrod the son of Cush, the grandson of Ham. The Bible says that he was "...