Apocalypse | 012 | To the Angel of Smyrna
The second letter of Jesus was addressed to the messenger of the church at Smyrna. During the time of John, Smyrna was apparently a city of great beauty and impressive architecture that circled Mount Pagus like a “crown”. When walking through the city, one would see the Ephesian gate, a gymnasium (near the harbor), a stadium (west side), a theater (holding 20,000 and located on the northwest mountain slope), temples to Zeus (including a large altar), Cybele (the Mother Goddess, near the harbor), Aphrodite, Dionysius, and the Emperors (probably Tiberius in 26 AD and Domitian before 96 AD), the harbor, a library, and a massive agora with a bema on the west and a basilica on the north. This wealthy city was also known for its exceptionally good wine that could be used for both enjoyment and medicinal purposes. Smyrna was dedicated to the worship of the emperor and the imperial cult. Along with the other cities of Asia Province, Smyrna competed for the honor of building a te...